Sports wrap: seeking new Choices

Formula One
Choices does not roar anymore
Ka-choi or Choices on Baricho road used to be a destination of choice for grand prix races. It was one of the few places that would show a race early in the morning (e.g. Australia, Japan, China races) or even if Man U and Arsenal were playing at the same time.

But after fiascos in the last two races, they seem to have lost interest in racing and its fans. Yesterday they couldn’t get the picture on, and kept a group of us waiting for half an hour while some patrons watched rugby (live from Hong Kong). They didn’t try to find the race channel till after 7 a.m when the race started, and they did not have that channel! We missed the start, which is an important part of all left and then all left and drove to GP Karting (at the Carnivore) to watch the rest of the race. I was surprised to find the place open, but they had some morning kart races organized by Kenya motorsports foundation.

For the last race, the picture went off at Choices at the start of the race, as it did in some other locations. It may not have been their fault, but they may need to upgrade their dish to get a more reliable feed. I will not visit them for races and will in future go to GP Karting or Soho’s which I was told guarantees to show a grand prix race, anytime of the day or night.

Alonso = Chelsea
Fernando Alonso won his second race of the season, giving his Renault team a hat trick of wins to start the season. Alonso is now truly on his way to replacing Michael Schumacher as ‘the Man in F1’ – as he now attracts equal measure of admiration and hate. He combines the confidence and arrogance of Senna and Schumacher (what’s that ridiculous ‘bunny ears’ celebration about?) out of the cockpit with mature and calculated driving on the track – making him a consistent and predictable (or boring) winner as Chelsea. The remarkable thing is that he is at Renault who are beating bigger budget teams (Ferrari, Mclaren, Toyota, BMW) – but has already signed to drive for Mclaren in 2007.

Manchester won against Bolton while Chelsea had a draw leaving a 7 point gap between them. Could history repeat itself as it did three years ago when Arsenal, who enjoyed a comfortable lead at the top of the table, slumped at the end of the season allowing Man U to overtake them to the title?

Congestina Achieng lost her fight to an American challenger on Saturday, disappointing many of her fans who expected her to stage another knock out performance of her opponent who instead jabbed her way to a points win of Congestina. Her fighting style reminds me of Mike Tyson in the later stage of his boxing career where he ferociously (his words) punched to knock out his opponents early in the fight, but did not appear to have the stamina or strategy to fight and win a longer bout. In her last fight, Congestina struggled to a points win and hopefully this experience will be good her and she will now work with her managers and trainers to improve.

9 thoughts on “Sports wrap: seeking new Choices

  1. maitha

    dstv is relatively pocket friendly these days or is it that sport is best enjoyed in the company of friends and fizzy drinks ?

  2. meth2k

    Yes, ambience counts a lot to any sports fan. it is sometimes necessary to share those ‘special’ moments with others.

  3. gishungwa

    i love oyur overview on sports and though iam a man u hater i would rather they beat chelsea anyday i think the blues are gloating too much plus the look and speech from Jose M would be priceless.
    of Dstv
    the crowd always makes it better.

  4. bankelele

    gishungwa: Thanks, things will be a lot clearer after the Man U vs. Arsenal game this Sunday. Such games should not be watched at home, but out with the crowd! (Chelsea have a relatively ‘easy’ West Ham match)

  5. BlueSwift

    Hmmm, first time am hearing a kenyan sports lover who doesnt give a hoot about the usually impressive kenyan rugby sevens team. BTW the adrenaline and speed in a sevens game matches the high octane of the GP track but thats just ma opinion.
    Well, after Arsenal is whipped Chelsea should watch out. I always believe that Chelsea is another Real Madrid in the making albeit bland and boring. Next season hawaoni kitu – that is if they win this season.

  6. bankelele

    Nothing against sevens rugby but Choices used to be a grand prix joint, showing races & serving fans any time of the day or night and regardless of what else was on. Also we were not asking for too much – rugby had been on for 3 days, while GP races are only held about every two weeks.

  7. Anonymous

    yea we got disapointed by kachoi with F1 – was there by 6.30 and we had to relocate to buffet park – thx 4 info on soho’s and gpkarting wl make a better choice next time

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