New newspaper

A newspaper is the latest project by the team behind hit radio stations Kiss FM and and Classic 105.2.

Newspapers in Kenya are still doing ok, while in the developed world they are in a bit of a struggle and it has been predicted that newspapers in the developed world may cease publication around the year 2040.

The last new non-tabloid launched was the weekly Leader from Royal Media in 2005.

The new newspaper is currently hiring writers through advertisements on KISS FM.

24 thoughts on “New newspaper

  1. MainaT

    Depends who is the target audience if its the lower end, they could even call it the Daily Kiss and Tell.
    Seriously though, is the market there for another paper with sizeable circulation?

  2. Ig-know-rant

    I doubt the market exists for another paid newspaper, a tabloid or otherwise. Interestingly, other radio houses (at least 3) are in a way linked daily newspaper. What I really think there is is room for is a free morning/afternoon newspaper driven purely by advertisement revenue. This would give the other advertising avenues a run for their money.

    But these guys may as well as call their newpaper CLASSIC KISS

  3. Mashatall

    What is it with kenyan entrepreneurs? Are we not so innovative that the only way we can make money is to go into old and trusted business models? Old media is dying in the west, and new media is leading the charge as they reinvent the wheel (youtube, Joost).With broadband being rolled out in kenya, and internet penetration growing by the day, a better strategy long term in my opinion, would be to create a venture that would take advantage of the wider reach of the net even to the diaspora abroad.But when you have nations website trying to charge for content, instead of being driven by advertsing revenue, then what you have is an old model being replicated on the internet.They charge advertisers for placing banners, and also want to charge the mwananchi for reading their content.It will be very interesting to see how lond old media will survive once broadband hits the rural areas.

  4. coldtusker

    Nation has a leg over everyone else… why?

    It’s the distribution network… It is tough for anyone else…

    Therefore, I think a tabloid with support from Nation would work… but the primary market is mainly urban towns where many have nothing to do but gossip…

  5. Anonymous

    We need more Newspapers. The current market is a Monopoly. It can blend off-line/On-line. Look at what nation is doing? They still want to sell the paper online instead of getting revenue from ADs. Their ADs are cluttered and expesive such that small Kenyan business are left out..only the multinational–KQ, Moneygram, WesternUnion, can afford their almost $2000/Month ads. More companies, more competition! Go Kiss FM, go!

  6. Ndungu

    Free newspaper will not work because of the fact that butcheries need wrapping paper.
    But a reduced price good content lots of low priced advertising would push circulation very fast and very soon. Also having tabloid column and internet presence would boost sales.

  7. Anonymous

    That sounds cool as everything is becoming converged I hope they will come with something new and tantalizing unlike the old scrap of other nemesis Politics politics 247.let them champion something new for the Kenyans ama niaje Siasa kila wakati hapana sio wazee

  8. bankelele

    outfoxed, mushenzi MainaT: nothing with the name Kiss or classic I imagine

    Valedon: wait & see. Pesa Tu thinks it will be like red pepper (of Uganda)

    Ig-know-rant: They may offer it in afternoon’s. It’s amazing how many people buy newspapers in the morning, but only get to read them in the evening at home. a fresh evening paper with the same day’s news would be tastier (like a fresh hot loaf/roll of bread)

    Mashatall: the level of tech for new media has not really penetrated rural areas (except for mobile phones) – and even with those, companies are still graplpling with how use them and make money at the same time – hence 7/= SMS for breaking news

    pesa tu: Red pepper would sell in Kenya, but court orders and artur’s would be on their backs every week. Nation business paper should be out in March, I hear

    coldtusker: If they focus on Naiorbi then later other urban markets distribution would be easier

    Ndungu: There’s Nation’s weekly advertiser and another (hard to get) free weekly called Market Express

    leo: not heard about East FM deal

  9. propaganda

    Heard about this Kiss newspaper a while ago. The idea was to put out a current affairs/siasa weekly, not a gossip rag (and certainly not a daily). Launch was supposed to be January.

    I’m guessing it’s weekly, it’s not free and it’s more Leader than Red Pepper.

    A free general news daily in the afternoon or evening could work with targeted distribution, but this requires really deep pockets to survive start-up. If it ever happens in Kenya, there will be a South African media giant involved.

    About the Nation business daily: don’t be surprised if it too launches as a weekly despite all the hoopla that’s gone before. And, yes, look for it in March.

  10. Prousette

    Now that Nation and EA Standard are all into sensationalism we could use something more level headed as far as newspapers are concerned.

    Maybe I am hoping for too much. Will wait and see.

  11. bankelele

    Klara: Hope KISS are reading

    Propaganda: thanks for the background. They are saying that it will be a daily. I’d like to have an afternoon paper as I am one person who absorbs the news best in the evening. As for Nation, the East African has really matured into a great business paper – I hope the business daily does not crimp it

    Chatterly: I think they’d want on more serious!

    Kayliz: I don’t think a red pepper publisher can survive in Kenya – the courts, church, state would shut it down

    Unyc: they want writers, editors, photojournalists etc.

    Nimechoka: waiting for March 1

    Prousette: it’s an election year and sensationalism sells – already several tabloids last seen @ referendum time have been revived this month – with blazing headlines & ‘exposes’ on politicians

  12. biggerpic

    Hey Everyone, The Nation Business daily launch is kesho (Tuesday 6th March) at the Hilton. I expect that after this it should be on the streets the following week. Its styled in a similar way to the Financial Post in terms of look and feel. Cost will be 50bob, availabilityy on Monday to Friday only… Lets see how that goes.

  13. propaganda

    You’re right, Biggerpic: Nation Business Daily had a staff launch today. First edition likely to be out tomorrow. With the Sh50 cover price, I doubt they’re thinking large circulation numbers. And it makes sense to have a five day run.

    On Kiss, I’m hearing Sh25 daily paper. That’s definitely a new market segment.

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