February 8 Pot Pourri

bounced bond: Celtel intends to retire its 4.5 million bond notes in February 2007. They were due to mature in 2009

standard goes main: The standard group moves to the main investor segment of the NSE from the alternative counter on February 13.

coast gets university: Kenyatta University will open a new campus in Mombasa

port expansion: Kenya ports authority will create 3 new container berths (terminals) by dredging port Reitz and reclaiming 100 hectares in west kipevu

Foreign investors take punches
– Even as Woodside oil packs up their equipment to return to Australia, the National oil corporation of Kenya has issued a new international tender for non- exclusive surveys offshore in Lamu

Tiomin has stopped the Kwale sands project (citing delays and cost overruns) after the project lender had withdrawn a $15m facility.


Regional managers (2) for East and West Africa (Ref: DN001) at African management services company (AMSCO) . Apply to recruitment@amscobv.com

Coffee development fund
credit & commercial manager, finance manager. Apply by 23/2 to the managing trustee 52714-00200 Nairobi

FSD Kenya
– Agriculture finance specialist (16/3)
– Challenger fund manager (28/2)
Apply to lydiah@fsdkenya.org

Relationship manager Mombasa at Housing Finance. Apply to human.resources@housing.co.ke

Kenya Airways
– Area manager Eastern Africa
– Head of in-flight services & standards
Apply to the Group HRD 19002 Nairobi by 16/2

Human resources manager at KPMG. Apply to esd@kpmg.co.ke by 9/3

Audit seniors at Manohar Lall & Rai . Apply to info@mlnr.net by 15/2

Public relations manager at the Nairobi stock exchange (NSE) . Apply through Deloitte at esd@deloitte.co.ke by 21/2

PKF: audit managers (PKF/AM/100) audit supervisors (PKF/AS1/101) audit seniors (PKF/AS2/102). Apply to pkfnbi@ke.pkfea.com by 23/2

4 thoughts on “February 8 Pot Pourri

  1. Hoseah

    One things I have never understood is: what is the differnce b/n alternative mrks/counter and a regular counter?
    Also how serious is this whole beef scare?

  2. Lovely

    KU in Mombasa? Thats great, but i hope Kisumu City be considered at times when suggesting where this Uni’s r 2 b situated.

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