Your beer, your pension

Jaindi Kisero argues that the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) should be shut down and then re-constituted as a pension body that can be run without interference from the Government.

The NSSF owns shares in East African Breweries (8.26%) and British American Tobacco (20%) whose sales may suffer some Alcoblow effects. The police crack down on drunk driving on highways is having positive effects – the number of drunks on the road has reduced and there are fewer accidents – but in the process some prominent bars are seeing a drop off in patrons who now prefer to use their neighbourhood or ‘local’ bars where there are no road blocks/or from which they know all the panya routes or short cuts to their homes.

More serious are the proposed new penalties which include an 18 month jail sentence for repeat offenders – in essence you could lose you job and more than two productive years of your life for having one too many beers.

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