Where is Kenya’s Euro Bond?

 The search for Kenya’s Euro Bond, launched in 2014 seems to be a question that preoccupies many people, along with where the money raised was banked and what it was used for. It also coms as Kenya has jut launched another Kshs 30 billion bond to raise funds for infrastructure which was what the Euro bond was marked for.

 There are in fact two Euro bonds:

Bond 1

Bond 1 is Kenya 2024

Issuer name Republic of Kenya
Issuer profile Central bank of Kenya has multiple interests in the development of bond markets. At a fundamental level the government Treasury bond helps to fund budget deficits.

Amount $2 billion 

Initial issue amount $1.5 billion
Start of placement 06/16/2014
Last reopening date 11/25/2014
Coupon frequency 2 time(s) per year
Issue managers Bookrunner: Barclays, JP Morgan, QNB Finance Ltd, Standard Bank
Stock exchange and OTC quotes: December 1 on  Frankfurt S.E., Berlin Exchange, Stuttgart Exchange

Bond 2 is Kenya 2019 

Bond 2Issuer Republic of Kenya
Issuer profile Central bank of Kenya has multiple interests in the development of bond markets.

Amount $ 750 million

Initial issue amount $500 million

Start of placement 06/16/2014
Coupon frequency 2 time(s) per year
Issue managers Bookrunner: Barclays, JP Morgan, QNB Finance Ltd, Standard Bank

Stock exchange and OTC quotes:  December 1 on Frankfurt S.E., Berlin Exchange, Stuttgart Exchange

Charts from cbonds.com