What the Sudan peace deal entails

Putting former enemies together in the same government has been tried elsewhere in Africa, with mixed results. Rwanda erupted into genocide in 1994 after a peace deal there between Hutu and Tutsi failed to win full Hutu support. Congo signed a peace agreement in 1999 but true peace there remains elusive. Burundi’s power-sharing government has yet to win over all the rebel factions wreaking havoc there.

Some pointers:

* The objective of the agreement is to keep Sudan intact

* The first challenge will be to complete a new constitution within six months (unless they consult Kenyans)

* Islamic law, or Sharia, will apply to the north but not the south

* The South will have a six-year interim period of self-rule, after which it will vote in a referendum on whether to remain part of Sudan or secede

* The South will be get some autonomy, but basically they must create a functioning government from scratch

* Garang to become Sudan’s first vice president, replacing Taha

* National Congress will take 52% of parliament, with the SPLM controlling 28% of seats. Other northern parties will have 14% while other southern parties 6% of the national assembly

* About 10,000 U.N. peacekeepers and monitors are expected to come to the region

* Armies must be merged. More than 100,000 government and rebel forces will redeployed

* Both English and Arabic will become the official languages

* New paper money will be issued with a design reflecting the country’s diversity

* A dual banking system is to be set up

* Revenue from Sudan’s underground oil deposits in the south will be divided up evenly between north and south. Communities in areas of oil production will have a say in oil contracts