Valentine’s Gift

As a rule, I don’t partake of this day. But to all the female readers, here’s a flower for you – which is a gift forward from Oprah’s site: You can download a free e-book of Women & Money, by personal finance guru, Suze Orman. The offer is for this day only and ends in the evening (US time)

8 thoughts on “Valentine’s Gift

  1. Anonymous

    Speaking of valentine’s day. Why did Mamamikes embark on ventures they cannot fulfill. Their site is very colourful with gifts that cost a fortune and cost equally higher to deliver only not to be delivered. Is it some form of internet fraud?. Any cyber police out to check out these guys. They are cheating people of their money. I wonder whether this happens with the so called airtime and gift vouchers to kenyans back home. You will not get away with it.

  2. Concept

    wonderful link to our sisters. it goes to show that women should take charge of their finances regardless of whether married or not. That she should not entrust all the financial decision making to her man. its good to be involved from the word go and i think our Kenyan girls are doing a good job at it.please check

  3. Anonymous

    Hi Bankelele,

    I saw this on tv(I do not watch O but somehow was watching tv when she said thus).

    I am not a ‘Val’ gal but I had to check out what this was about cos from u, well, I gotta check it out 🙂


  4. bankelele

    Anon: get in touch with Mamamikes
    Concept: absolutely. it’s a great e-book and free money advice for women

    Guess: Found it online, not by watching O TV ;-}

    kip: see me sideways

  5. tumwijuke

    I’ve been trying to do a chapter a day since I downloaded it in February 14th. It is better than I thought. Much better.

    Thank you for the ‘flower’ Bankelele.

  6. bankelele

    Late last year, the two gentlemen changed the law for the benefit of Ringera. We all know Ringera has a five-year contract, as director of the commission, that will probably end in 2009.

    The amendment introduced by Wako extends Ringera’s contract beyond his five years contractual term. What informed this move?

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