The Wrong Train

There are two (non KR) trains chugging through the KBW community doing roaring business, picking up passengers and cargo. Much as I’d rather be on the infamous Bilaz train, it seems I’ll be punching a ticket on the Unemployment train instead.

It’s back to another facet of life I’d rather not re-visit, as I dust off my CV and get some thick soled black Nike’s ready to hit the infamous Nairobi pavement.

On the upside, sometimes you need a punch in the gut to get started on a new track and this looks like one.

End of the blog?
Just two weeks ago I shared Steve Pavlina’s 10 reasons NOT to get a job!.

Bankelele has been a useful medium over the last 1 1/2 years through which I have learnt so much from interaction and sharing. I must say that what I blog about derives very little from my daily workload as a, sometimes Bank Hangman.

Tarmacking may reduce my contribution to the blog even as as I am trying to generate more revenue out of it from advertising and freelance writing.

I have received various offers on account of this blog in the last year – and if I has said no, I eat humble pie, and ask that you re-submit your earlier offers for discussion.

It is also likely that a new employer may insist on the end of this blog as part of a new contract. I’d urge them to let the blog continue or to roll it over into a new medium of their choice. If not, so be it.

45 thoughts on “The Wrong Train

  1. coldtusker

    Pole BUT perhaps this is the beginning of great things!

    I am sure this is not an easy sentiment to accept.

    With your reputation, you could do well writing for various financial newsletters.


  2. Kudrinketh

    I’m sure you’ll do just fine.Here’s something you may want to check out. with NSE going electronic trading next month, dont u think there’s an opportunity to start a purely online brokerage firm to serve the diaspora aka etrade fame.

    I dont know how much it takes to start one, i’m sure it can be done.Maybe u can do a feasibility study and share it with like minded investors.Best of wishes on your next venture.

  3. Mimmz

    Good luck and I also think you should consider writing. The money is in the advertisements and I doubt you’d have a problem getting a huge following of hooked readers.

  4. Kagz

    Sorry for what happened but things ALWAYS work out for good.

    I stopped commenting here to avoid derailing your audience but i still come once in a while to read whats happening.

    I loved the Steve Pavlina link and fwded it to VERY many people.
    Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.

    You’ve been a GIVER (financial info, job opportunities, investment advice) and May God reward you accordingly.

    Kindly come back to share your Testimoney 🙂

  5. Pimpala

    This and Mzalendo are hands-down Kenya’s most informative and socially responsible blogs. The time, effort and goodwill you’ve put into this will pay itself back many-fold.


  6. sassy

    Paul Coelho in his book the Alchemist said that if you want something all the universe conspires helping you achieve it….
    believe in yourself and trust your maker you will be ok.
    You have taught me alot on this blog forum and im forever thankful to you and your commenters.

  7. sassy

    @kudrinketh- the opportunity to start a purely online brokerage firm is there but logistics and politics at the CMA will be a stumbling block to many aspiring individuals.
    Anyone willing to start up one?

  8. bankelele

    Coldtusker; Thanks, I think I needed the push.Would like to do something for a monthly/quartely newsletter alongside blog.

    Kudrinketh: The NSE firms will protect their terriroty and will claim the right to electronic trading. NSE/CMA have made a huge stride with CDS and asking them to go etrade is a bit too much too soon

    Mimmz: Thanks, problem is I don’t want to be a writer. This blog is merely an outlet for mental energy.

    Anonymous: Prefer cash, monthly

    Acolyte: Thank you, a few weeks to clear up the future

    Kagz: Thank you, and your commments are welcome.

    Ziwani: Thanks, hope the steam keeps up

    UARIDI: I need a new pair of black Nike ACG before I hit the road

    Pimpala: With free time I should be able to contribute more to Mzalendo.

    Sassy: Only conspiracy I’m sure of is JFK. Thank you :->#

  9. Half 'n' half

    Banks, Firstly- Pole ndugu. With your obvious intelligence and understanding of all things financial, am sure you will Float to the top. Dont Leave the blog world and keep us posted on whats going on.
    Good luck

  10. Prousette

    There is a reason why you have to get on the train.
    All the best in whatever direction you are headed though would not mind having you blog on.

    Keep well.

  11. DMX

    Iwas introduced to this blog by a friend visiting from the UK about 3 months ago. And I read it almost everyday.

    Make no bones about it Banks, you have created and moderated a very active blog that has dispensed alot of useful info and also elicited good comments from people who would otherwise have kept very silent.

    Keep at it, you are good at what you do. So dont be put down, go out and be a tiger.

  12. Ig-know-rant

    Banks, my personal philosophy of life is that when one door shuts two open. You are a giver, you shall receive. Remember that author of Poor Dad Rich Dad saying that the more you give the more you receive?? All the best in your endeavours and keep on blogging community regardless. For once, I have nothing to rant about.

  13. mushenzi

    @Kudrinketh. What are the requirements for one to start up a brokerage firm. I guess as young, tech savvy & aggressive like minded individuals here in kenya, we can build one to serve the local people here and deliver better brokerage services to those in the diaspora through competitive service, such better online interaction, which is what is lacking in these old brokerage houses. Are there other bloggers who share the same idea?

  14. Omani

    Pole sana.With your energy levels sir, your efforts will gather no moss.Thanks to your blog a lot many pple appreciate finance.

  15. Alibaba$tocks

    You done a great job and desrve a pat. You are my hero.

    Bite up the challenge, relax and let the blog generate for you, a ready market awaiting. Possible to fix up CMA for e-trade and emulate Equity through private placements and gang up smart aganist ineptitude of current brokers.Who knows listing might beckon.

    Motley fool suggests evolution=adpation,break the rules and join the rulers.

  16. The.Hanyeé


    The Job.less corner is a test of one’s persistence & character – and springback strength to the challenge that comes with it (not to mention a test of how much dust those Nikes can actually accummulate). You will be and will get out of it well.

    The downtime could be a point for you to prime and pimp ur blog a bit more, see if u can push viewership and maybe a few ads here & there – along with the good ol’ content that you always hook us up with.

    Would be a shame if you were asked to shut down the blog. Have you been asked to do so in the past?

  17. bankelele

    Kibet: Thanks. I really want to continue the blog

    Halfkenyahalfsudan: am ok. thanks for the motivation

    Prousette: Steve Pavlina wants ut to stay on the train and his reasons are compelling

    DREAMWEAVER: Thank you, am touched that it is well read and referred to others. Will try and maintain

    Ig-know-rant: I never thought of the exchange that way, but hopefuly it will happen as you say

    mushenzi: check out the CMA site for “capital market licensing requirements” PDF.

    Ms K: You’re MIA, Hola

    Omani: Thank you, but I fear more time may mean less energy overall

    Alibaba$tocks: hero? shucks, i’m no spidey. sooner or later some brokers will introduce variants of E-trade. Francis Drummmond tried to give customers online trading and statements, but it’s now a flop

  18. Anonymous

    Banks, please dont quit the blogging you would be surprised how many Kenyans rely on you for information financial. We absolutely love your advice. What kind of job would you be looking for we can keep our eyes and ears open.

  19. Riba Capital

    Hey, Bankelele.. Pole sana but yo know I got real drift on this, coz being a reporter is not suh ba idea, i guess you know where am heading now, anyway that company has improved its profitability by some good margins and I guess pulling a google ia no bad idea(as in sellin/franchising the blog to the group).. Riba Capital as always…

  20. Anonymous

    Hey Mr B,

    Thanks for sharing your experience with us through the blog … would encourage u to keep at it!

    This doesnt have to come to an end, right?

    You’ve now embarked on a new path, and where it takes you … starts with that spark, that lite up in your mind.

    All the best,


  21. Anonymous

    Even when on holiday here at home and hardly even bothering to catch up with my e-mail i still have to access your blog every 2 days to ‘just be updated’ – I believe you won’t stop bloggint D:) – have to believe so for my own ‘addiction’ sake, and having benefited a lot.
    good luck and prayers in the job search!!!!!!

  22. Anonymous

    why not go all-out and start a full-fledged business/finance/ICT blog ?
    Get some advertising from the investment firms etc. Grow your team after a while, or get blog contributors (like Om Malik has done). Maybe some premium content.

    You would potentially become the first full online news media for kenya … and your commentary is perfect for editorials & features that nation/standard make us pay for now.

  23. Apexquest

    Pole brother. But Sir, this blog MUST (sic) continue. Personally, I’ve always wondered how you get the time to keep this blog so alive. A great piece of work.
    Best of blessings

  24. pesa tu

    Banks: Pole but remember every cloud has a silver lining. my advice is keep meeting as many people as you can

    Keep looking smart and not desperate and people will make offers.

  25. Anonymous

    for those talking about online brokerage – (
    FYI this is the company that supplied the CDS solution and also the electronic trading solution. so it doesnt take brain surgery to figure that akina jimnah mbaru and ntalami are in bed with this guys.and probably already have a game plan.

    hey banks i think you should set up a paypal account so that we can contribute so dough to keep you blogging while unemployed.

    also in kenya i here if u loose your job in ur late 30’s or 40 forget about ever getting another job. im not saying ur that old but just a comment

  26. Anonymous

    Banks you just cant stop blogging. Your blog like a daily newspaper to me. Everyday I check on it religously, i cant miss out on it. Its sad on whats happening but be strong its not the end. All the best.Miss L.

  27. Ken

    Banks, it’s darkest just before the dawn.
    All the best, a blog once in a while is all I will ask, you have blazed a trail and I am sure there will be others looking to emulate you.
    I thank you for inspiring me to blog and my best wishes and sincere prayers for your success will follow you.

  28. bankelele

    Anonymous: Still in finance, prefarably in banking

    Riba: Will consider that company proposal, but on a part time basis

    Miss L: and Ochieng: Thanks, I wish to continue

    Nakeel: Thanks, Hey! I need cricket passes for Bangladesh

    Anonymous: This is a mini business/finance/ICT blog, but it doesn’t pay enough to support my bills yet

    Nick: Thanks will look out

    Adrian: asante

    Apexquest: It does take time, but mostly I jot down little notes during the day and work on things mentally till I get to the laptop

    Pesa tu: Am hoping to see some clouds at 37,000 feet soon. Thanks for the tip – will not grovel

    Ken: Keep it up as well

  29. gathinga

    you’re an selfless informer. you kept us abrest ‘most of the time’. I kept wondering how you were able to sumon all the energy to kep this thing on….and still do. am sure your attitude and obvious intelligence, applied elsewhere will function as well as it did here… and with rspect to the suggestions about online or even offline broking, should you ever consider the matter, am intersted in being an investor… dnt leave me out… cheers

  30. dropmyload

    What line if banking are you looking at? I am a banker and can try something if I know your field.

  31. Anonymous

    I am also in the process of clearing out my desk and facing a future without a steady pay check. You are a walking resource bank. You have sharpened my engineering head to think financially so…(hence my taking a study leave to start some Finance Studies) You are a plus in this world.
    I’m sure we’ll read about you in Nation’s Lifestyle mag in the near future. When God closes a door, he opens a huge gate.

  32. mwasjd

    I’m with all who agree that Banks you are a financial genius. Your brain will figure out a way, some collabo with the blog community will result in some investment group which you can sit on the board and run. God will definately open the door for you. Keep blogging.

  33. Monroe

    Please don’t stop blogging. You were the best source of info for me before I made the leap back to Kenya (just nine short months ago). If you haven’t already please talk to Liquid Africa and First Africa Capital. Also think you’d be a real asset to an upcoming VC company…will forward names if come across any. Best of luck, don’t settle! You’re way too good to settle.

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