The Scale of the SGR 

For almost 300 kilometres between Nairobi and Mombasa, the face of Kenya is changing as building works for the first phase of the new Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) quietly continue at a grand, fast pace.

SGR 12 SGR 11 SGR 10 SGR 9 SGR 8 SGR 7 SGR 6 SGR 5 SGR 4 SGR 3 SGR 2 SGR 1






China Road and Bridge Corporation is the main contractor, and you can follow the Megaprojects Kenya blog to keep track of the SGR progress.

2 thoughts on “The Scale of the SGR 

  1. Pingback: Passenger Train to Mombasa in 2015 | Bankelele

  2. Pingback: Kenya Economic Update 2015 | Bankelele

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