The Kibaki MemeBlogThis! (tHiNkEr’s rOoM)

1 a. Do u think Kibaki is LAZY?
By all indications yes he is lazy. It’s his nature, countless articles have been written about his fence-sitting, shying from battles over the last 20 years. He has an enormous office with so much power, doesn’t have the confidence to use them – but is happy to let his minions step up to bat for him. Or he probably doesn’t want to exert himself for health reasons. But Lucy clearly enjoys the office more than he does, and has upped her energy level to a point where it appears she’s the one dragging him around.

2 a. What trait do u find the single most detrimental to the national cause?
Our political system
2 b. Comment on it
No politician has a grasp on national issues, except for maybe Anyang Nyongo but he’s a voice in the wilderness. Actually politicians are quite smart, but they must play to the masses – and so go about delivering incoherent statements while grabbing what they can. They haven’t realised that the Kenyan electorate is younger, more intelligent, and ready for dialogue on the economy, jobs and development.

Also politics is a dirty game, and smart intelligent people will rarely demean themselves by getting into expensive bruising campaigns – so come election time voters can only choose between Neanderthal A or Neanderthal B. So one feature I like about the new constitution will be that ministers will not be members of parliament.

3. What is the most embarrassing thing, in your opinion, Lucy Kibaki has done?
Believing her own hype (reminds me of a certain lady on the Muppet show)

4. Do you wonder where Wambui, the Hillary Rodham of Kenya, ever went?
Lying low, she knows better than to cross Lucy.

5. Do you care how much influence the First Lady has over decisions made by the president?
One day, about 25 years ago, somebody poured a beer on the vice president’s head, in front of strangers – so yes, I do care. On a positive note, Kenyans will now take a look at candidate’s spouse before elections.

6. What is the single most critical issue facing the Kenyan presidency today?
Getting accurate intelligence information about the Country.

7. Did you vote in 2002 General Elections? (must answer). No excuses required.
No, I was not registered – now I am

8 a. Do you care?

8 b. Who else would you like to complete this meme
Kenyan Pundit, Guessaurus, Ms K, Afromusing, everyone really

5 thoughts on “The Kibaki MemeBlogThis! (tHiNkEr’s rOoM)

  1. bankelele

    At one of the last press TI conferences convened by Gladwell Otieno a month ago, MP’s Omingo Magara and Billow Kerrow spoke on corrpution in very articulate terms. but when you see teh press reports from Parliament – they want to ban green cards and give their villagers arms to defend themselves!

  2. Githush

    “No politician has a grasp on national issues, except for maybe Anyang Nyongo but he’s a voice in the wilderness.”
    I could not agree with you more. The one actual professor of politics, is the only one who is focused on what matters and not petty politicking.

    “So one feature I like about the new constitution will be that ministers will not be members of parliament.”
    I am not so sure about this. I thought the same thing, lakini I looked at Zero draft (or whatever they call it) and the MPs seem to have eliminated this provision. Chake my comments on this issue:

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