Ted Global Arusha

Mentioned earlier about being blessed/fortunate in life to see people like Michael Jordan (destroy Washington in their last game as the Bullets, though Scottie Pippen provided the winning dunk), Michael Schumacher (win the first US grand prix) and Tiger Woods (not enjoying his first US open). That all compares with being at TED Global in Arusha at which Kenya is well represented.

I will use this weeek to relax & learn from such esteemed speakers, participants, delegates, fellows and our Tanzanian hosts. (Read on who else is here, and what happened on Day 1 here, here, here)

Where’s Safaricom? Not met anyone here from the company whose M-PESA is touted by so many people (from around the world) here as a revolutionary enabler and an example of a means to empower millions by giving them financial accessibility & income earning potential

3 thoughts on “Ted Global Arusha

  1. Gillian

    Be sure to check out the School of St Jude while you are in Arusha. Started in 2002 by the indefatigable Gemma Sisa, it now educates 870 bright children for free. The grand vision is to establish a network of excellent independent schools in East Africa for bright kids from poor homes.

    Follow the brightly coloured school buses to the campus 5km from town. Or check out my blog… http://www.schoolstjude.blogspot.com

  2. ka-investor

    Banks, you must be someone in something because the way i know, TED participants are some very high profile guys like Bono and other vocal individuals like Goerge Ayitte n Andrew Mwenda{i know personally n i think he talks too much – he need to shut up sometime} n inventors. Its like every serious blogger in kenya is there. I will be waiting for a serious up date on your thinking about the whole TED event soon. {Am still wondering what is it you could have invented to be invited?}

  3. bankelele

    Gillian: Unfortunately not much time to roam and see Arusha sites this time. Best wishes with the school.

    ka-investor: Juat a chap who applied and got one of the 100 TED Fellowships to attend. I’m honored to be here and hear from George Ayitte, Andrew Mwenda and the others.

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