Tech Tuesday

SABC – Highway Africa Awards 2007 for Innovative use of new media technology in Africa. Awards are given in three categories: 1) Individual/Student, 2) Non-profit and 3) Corporate.
– Individual and Non-profit category: communications which find innovative ways to overcome the limitations of the existing African infrastructure.
– Corporate category: creative adaptation of global technologies in an African media context.
– Other criteria (which apply to both categories)is the use of new media to benefit press freedom in Africa and encourage social empowerment in African communities. Also the functionality of websites/blogs/wikis is an absolute must, interactive features, design and use of mobile technology in an innovative way is encouraged.Entries to be submitted online or via fax by 20/8

Digital Village Concept opportunities
(i) Own manage digital village center/kiosk (there will be one in each constituency). Applicant’s must have experience in running cyber cafe, computer lab and already have electricity, steady clients, premises and qualified staff. Details here and deadline is 20/8
(ii) Supply products/services such as hardware/software, loans/finance, stationery, furniture, and supplies. Details here and deadline is 20/8.

Threat to ISP’s: Safaricom has applied for a 3G license to offer broadband wireless through their extensive base station network to subscribers.

Congratulations to TED Global Fellow Paul Kukubo who has been appointed as chief executive of the Kenya ICT Board

3 thoughts on “Tech Tuesday

  1. kirima

    Thats a very good move by Safcom if the can get the licence we people in rural areas really suffer when we want to go online. I hope however their service quality can improve as well.
    So should I hold on upgrading my handset and wait for one with 3G capability?

  2. makii

    can you give more explanation about this digital villlage concept.
    I have access to good comps and it would also add to my kenyan business idea.
    as for broadband, now that’s what will make some of us come back home.

    I like the info you provide here.

  3. bankelele

    kirima: even in urban areas, affordable (home) internet is not really offered. I don’t think you have to upgrade,as most sets are 3G ready (I could be wrong)

    Makii: It’s a bit of a mystery, but I think it has workd in India wher one shop offers citizens many e-services (so they don’t have to travel to towns to register for votes, get driver licenes etc). give it a shot

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