
Have enjoyed reading this one, and now been tagged, by Kipepeo so here goes.

10 years ago:
Enjoying life in DC, just done with college, got my first real job, which came with a company jeep (w/car phone which was a big deal back then)

5 years ago:
Just done with grad school, and life was not as rosy as expected. Companies were laying off people, dot-coms were going bankrupt, tarmacking was very strict, and Osama was still a jeopardy answer

1 year ago:
Nairobi, contemplating parenthood

Meeting people as I walked around at town lunch time which is what I do when there’s a wter shortage in the City – I don’t eat (i.e. what do restaurant kitchens use?)

5 songs bands I know all the words to:
Yeah – Eddie Murphy
No Woman No Cry – Bob Marley
several Jay Z
several Ice Cube
National anthem

5 Snacks:
a beer
ice cream
yoghurt cup
brown bread slice – plain/kavu

5 Things I’d do with $100 million:
That’s 7.3 billion shillings!
become a Member of Parliament
build several apartment blocks
buy a Mombassa time share
start a non-specific foundation

5 places I would run away to:
Monaco for GP
my local

5 things I would never wear:
tight trousers
long Aladdin shoes

5 favorite TV shows:
Howard Stern show
Bernie Mac show

5 greatest joys:
F1 racing
the Internet

5 favourite toys:
Mercedes E200
Boeing 777
my nokia (phone, camera, organizer, alarm, radio, flashlight)
my TV
my microwave

5 people I’m tagging:
Blue poet
Kenyan Pundit
Ms k

6 thoughts on “Tag

  1. kipepeo

    uhm…what does your blog have to do with riveria hotel las vegas nevada…? spamists!!! anyway…wow, we get an insight into bankelele away from all the seriously serious but very cool stuff…yes, what do restaurants do. good to know somebody else thinks of these things. i never drink juice in restaurants and if i can remember, salads are a no non too…great post.

  2. Anonymous

    Seychelles – 3 main islands and many more other smaller ones. Total population about 70,000 to 80,000. A totally beautiful place,….beautiful beaches and views at every turn. (Can’t even do it justice by description!) Yet after 6 months i would have ‘fired’ if i hadn’t been able to come home for 2 weeks!!!
    thanks (once again!) for your blog,..read every post!

  3. Kibet

    lol! I also wondered what the P stands for!

    I find the Sopranoes terribly difficult to watch!!! The storyline hardly ever gets to me before i fall asleep. Perhaps its the KTN timing.

  4. bankelele

    kipepeo: Most restaurants are ok actually

    anonymous: Never been to Sychelles, but plan t go there when I win the. As for P…

    Kibet: Watch Season 1 of Sopranos on DVD – it’s a perfect arc. Since then (season 2,3,4 and soon 5) they have mostly being marking time and minting money.

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