October 27 Jobs

Junior officers at Bank of India

Sales manager at Create Africa. Apply to jerry@createafrica.com.

Chief financial officer, marketing director, procurement manager, and a credit manager at Equity Bank. Apply to jobs@ebsafrica.co.ke by 10/11

Accountant, purchasing manager at HLB Zainash. Apply to consult@ashvir.com by 3/11

Transport manager at Homegrown Flowers.apply to Hrd.NboHQ@f-h.biz by 25/11

Senior manager – development program at Industrial Promotion Services (IPS) apply to HR@ipskenya.com by 24/11

Office director & project head, and a senior researcher – both in Addis Ababa at the Institute for security services. Apply to jobs@issafrica.org by 3/11

In house health systems consultant at Japanese Internal Cooperation Agency (JICA). Apply to res_oso_rep@jica.go.jp by 6/11

Policy research economists (in macroeconomics, transport & communications, trade, and industry) and a macroeconomic modeling expert at Kenya institute for public policy research & analysis (KIPPRA). apply to jkimeto@kippra.or.ke by 8/11

Director of operations and a sub grant manager at National democratic institute – Sudan.apply to kssadmin@ndi.org by 10/11

Program coordinator, at UNDP Kenya details at their site

TV anchors at an upcoming TV station. Apply to anchors.2006@yahoo.com

Sales and marketing manager at un-named Mombasa company. Apply to recruit@adeptsystems.co.ke by 10/11