Newsy Kenyans

  • Noble work = Nobel Prize?: The Christian Science Monitor commends Gen. Lazaro Sumbeiywo for heading the Sudan peace talks.
  • Cash Money Brothers: Two Kenyan brothers could earn in 1.6 billion shillings when they float shares of their 12 year old community service company in the UK.
  • Girl tribes: The Washington Post looks at tribalism/the tribe factor at a girls school in Kenya.
  • Diplo-jack: A few days after the new Danish ambassador was invited to interact with Kenyans, he met the car-jacking type, but was otherwise unharmed.
  • Absa Coming: As the Barclays-Absa merger continues into its next phase, Absa is expected to buy up Barclays operations in Kenya and other African countries over the next two years. Currently, Barclays parent owns 68.5% Barclays Kenya, valued at 33 billion shillings ($450 million).

6 thoughts on “Newsy Kenyans

  1. Afromusing

    I do think Lazaro Sumbeiywo should get the nobel peace prize, he worked on the deal for a long time…
    very interesting stories!
    WAPO examining tribalism in Kenya…waa i am shocked.

  2. yoda

    “Two Kenyan brothers could earn in 1.6 billion shillings when they float shares of their 12 year old community service company in the UK”

    Whoa! Cash money brothers indeed… Now the mission is to achieve the same kind of growth locally….

    Kudos to the brothers. They’re an inspiration to us all.

  3. Anonymous

    guys have been trying to convince me that wal mart has shares in nakumatt but for im not convinced i looked up there reports since this stuff is subject to SEC disclosure – nothing came up. whats your take on that

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