KPLC to offer fibre optics

From Balancing Act Africa:

Kenya Light and Power Company (KPLC) is reported to be seeking a licence to sell fibre capacity and will invest Kshs. 2.2 billion if it gets the go-ahead. Funding for the investment is coming from the European Investment Bank under its Energy Sector Recovery Project and KPLC has chosen a German company (Fichtner Gmbh) to provide consultancy services for the project which will connect Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Kisumu, Eldoret, Nyeri and Tororo in Uganda providing a national backbone for telecommunications players.

5 thoughts on “KPLC to offer fibre optics

  1. Milonare

    Now we’re talking. Just a few worries:
    How much of that 2.2b will actually go towards the fibre?
    Who will get the contract to run with the project?

    If this pulls thru I’ll be one happy Kenyan…

  2. Anonymous


    Uchumi has announced their Rights program to raise cash. Any idea how many shares & price?

    Its kind of odd they haven’t done that yet!

    Hopefully kirubi’s influence will be minimal since he was instrumental in Uchumi’s downfall. kirubi also controls ICDCI. ICDCI owned 25% of Uchumi.

    Kengen will go public towards end of 2005 or early 2006.

    I hope there are others soon coz Kenyan firms need to take advantage of the extra cash, deploy it & accelerate the economic growth.

    PLUS I believe in PRIVATISATION coz it produces better results than government run enterprises.

    The best example is KQ. It’s market value was Shs 5.2B when it was privatised. Now it’s pre-tax profits exceed Shs 5B.

    Another is KCB after political appointees like kaminchia left.

    EA Portland is another success.

    Mumias which has been run as a private firm for many years (even before it went public) is the BEST sugar manufacturer in Kenya.

  3. bankelele

    Milonare: I just wish that KDN, EA Cables, and other fibre providers would come up with some products that the common man can use, not just high-end corporates.

    Anonymous: Suntra handled teh KCB rights very wl, and expectations are the same here. GoK chose not to participate in KCB rights, thereby diluting their shares – and in this case ICDC have already indicated that they will also not participate. No one knows wahat Kirubi will do yet.

  4. maitha

    good news about kplc – lets hope that their fibre project will implemented in a much better way compared to the on offer right , there was talk about them offering data services intergrated into the existing power grid .let me go do some digging and see if i can come up with more info on that

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