Kenya Re IPO

Better late than never, along comes the Kenya Re IPO shuffled to the top of the privatization deck . The ace card is still Safaricom, while Kenya Pipeline should be a joker in waiting.

It’s nice to venture back into the IPO game (after passing on the last two – Access Kenya, Eveready) and I should have my Kshs 19,000 ($288) ready to go after getting the prospectus(Minimum is 2,000 shares for individuals at 9.50 per share).

The IPO delay has not been explained, but the former managing director and financial controller of Kenya Re did not help matters by getting indicted for corruption related offenses just as the process was underway nor did a late attempt to absorb the run- down Kenya National Assurance (KNAC 2001) into Kenya Re.

Despite the 2,000 share minimum for individuals you can expect it to be over-subscribed going by the numbers who applied for Eveready and the amounts individuals applied for with Kengen. While recent IPO’s (Access Kenya, Eveready) have not performed as well as earlier ones (Kengen, Scangroup, that could all change now .

Foreign and institutional investors got burnt in Kengen (the first IPO in years) after they applied for millions of dollars worth of shares only to end up with $1,000 each. Subsequent IPO’s have defined specific allocation criteria – for individuals, employees, corporate investors, others and now even insurance companies. Corporates/institutions have also been given another incentive in that they unfairly won’t have to pay until they know how many Kenya Re shares have been allocated to them.

The market is still down , as I and am sure many others have traded less this year. Most activity had revolved around new share issues and recently split shares and the reduced trading has meant less income for the brokers.
Some say it is because of the falling prices or shares are still too expensive/overvalued, others says it is because of stockbroker misdeeds.

Dividend by EFT
In another move to curtail rising shareholder costs Scangroup has twice tried to entice investors to get their IPO refunds and now dividends by signing up direct bank transfers (EFT’s) to get money straight into their accounts. EFT’s offer faster payments, by pass risky cheques (can get lost in post office and investors have take about two weeks to get funds), but while EFT’s are free are most bank’s it’s also a sly way of passing on the cost of dealing with shareholders to shareholders themselves.

The most expensive round of beer you’ll ever buy

Archer has regaled us with some great bar tales of late. So here’s a nairumor to caution/silence all those big talkers and big spenders who take one tusker and suddenly become as generous as a politician tuning a stewardess by buying rounds of drinks and sharing their million shilling investment plans and income secrets.

It is said that someone with ulterior motives will cozy up to you to listen, and maybe get a free drink for listening. Usually such a person would be a sly thief eyeing one of the three fat nokia’s you’ve laid out on the table. Now there’s another fox that’ll befriend you and ask for your business card. That person could be tax agent who’ll Google (check up on) your records at the Kenya revenue Authority the next day to see how your big bar talk measures against the small income tax returns you filed at the KRA.

6 thoughts on “Kenya Re IPO

  1. MainaT

    Somehow, IPOs have already started boring me because of the amount time they take to process. This one will take upto two months unless they are quick with refunds. Still for many, its an opportunity to make some easy money.

  2. ka-investor

    at last kenya Re IPO has come. i was gettimg annoyed everytime i saw their bill board sign saying “KENYA RE IPO COMING SOON”. For sure it will be oversubscribed. the marketing they have done will see it.

    the market being down is because of all the factors you’ve mentioned plus the elections dilema.

  3. bankelele

    MainaT: That’s true it’s a bit tedious, going to the broker, lining up, paying, wait for results – inevitably you get 1/4 of what you applied for and have to do everything backwards. wish more functions could be done online

    Michael: the whole process needs to be streamlined

    ka-investor: There’s some fatigue about Kenya Re

  4. toiyoi

    Are you telling me i can google up people’s KRA returns? Should not someone be suing KRA or is it “entrenched” in the constitution that such information should be made public?

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