Kenya in the Economist

The Economist is a great magazine to read, and has a lot of stuff about Kenya that you won’t find elsewhere. This week:

Legal Work
1. Consultant to the Republic of Kenya and GJLOS
Law firm to review the Companies Act (Cap 486) of the Laws of Kenya
The law firm must have at least 15 years experience with company laws in the commonwealth.  Apply to by 1st March

2. Consultant to the Republic of Kenya and FLSTAP
Law firm to advise on the restructuring and privatisation of banks owned (or influenced) by the government of Kenya. The law firm must have prior experience in bank privatisation and financial restructuring, preferably in developing countries. This will be an 18-month bank restructuring and privatisation project beginning in April 2005
Apply to by 16th Feb

1. Chief Executive: African Trade Insurance Agency
Apply by March 18th to and check for more details

2. Head of Africa Program: Saferworld
Saferworld is an NGO that works to prevent armed violence is recruiting a senior manager to head the Africa program who will be based in Nairobi.
Apply by March 9th to referring to “HeAP” and check out for more details