Kenya Bank Top 10s

half year to June 30 2008

Pre-Tax Profit: Barclays 4,295 million shillings [$64 million], KCB 3,394, Equity 2,997, Standard Chartered 2,321, Citibank 1,694, Cooperative 1,664, National Bank of Kenya 902, Commercial Bank of Africa 847, Investment & Mortgages 767, CFCStanbic 698 [$10.4 million]
12 month profit change : Ecobank 633% (to Kshs. 66m), Family 290%, Equity 189%,
Bank Africa 105%, Prime 98%, Giro 86%, Dubai 85%, KCB 77%, Guardian 76%, Citibank 75% then Consolidated, Cooperative, NBK, Credit, I&M

Deposits: Barclays 128,765 million shillings [$1.92 billion], KCB 93,372, Standard Chartered 73,512, Cooperative 59,072, CFCStanbic 57,040, Equity 42,116, Commercial Bank of Africa 35,135, National Bank of Kenya, 34,020, NIC 30, 165, Citibank Kenya 27,836 [$415 million]
12 month deposit growth: Equity 78%, Chase 58%, Prime 57%, Development Bank 41%, Diamond trust 38%, Fidelity 36%, CFCStanbic 33%, Oriental 32%, NIC 31%, Equatorial 29%, Transnational 23%, Barclays and Imperial 22% then KCB, Bank Africa, ABC.

Loans: Barclays 106,691 [$1.59 billion], KCB 60,165, Standard Chartered 45,351, Cooperative 43,411, CFCStanbic 38,746, Equity 34,273, NIC 25,727, Diamond Trust 22,320, Commercial Bank of Africa 21,803, Investment & Mortgages 20,703 [$309 million]
12 month loan growth: Equity 139%, Chase 88%, Prime 66%, Baroda 57%, Development Bank 54%, Commercial Bank of Africa 52%, Family Bank 51%, Co-op Bank 44%, Credit 44%, Fidelity 41%, then NIC, Bank of Africa, Diamond trust, I&M, CFCStanbic, Fina, Barclays.

Where to work: high employers – 6 month staff expenses; Barclays 3,287 million [$49 million], KCB 2,767, Cooperative 1,387, Standard Chartered 1,306, Equity 1,245, National Bank of Kenya 864, Commercial Bank of Africa 423, Citibank Kenya 416, CFCStanbic 389, Diamond Trust 330
directors; Standard Chartered 61 [$910,000], KCB 57, Cooperative 26, Commercial Bank of Africa 25, NIC 22, CFCStanbic 21, National Bank of Kenya 17, K-Rep 17, Southern Credit 14, Diamond Trust 12

Assets: 12 month asset growth: Equity 135%, Chase 76%, KCB 66%, Citibank 65%, Prime 59%, CFCStanbic 42%, Diamond trust 40%, Family bank 39%, I&M 33%, Bank of Africa 23%, Barclays 22%
Return on assets: Equity 4.28%, Citibank 2.85%, India 2.84%, Barclays 2.58%, Stanchart 2.45%, Coop Bank 2.31%
Non-performing assets: Cooperative Kshs. 8,841 million ($132m) , KCB 6,982, Barclays 5,986, Ecobank/EABS 3,492, CFCStanbic 3,435, National Bank of Kenya 2,559, Housing Finance 2,302, Standard Chartered 2,045, Equity 1,845, Commercial Bank of Africa 1,540
Sgare capital : Barclays Kshs. 19,233 ($287 million), Equity 19,005, Standard Chartered 9,615, KCB 9,591, Citibank Kenya 7,791, CFCStanbic 6,865, Cooperative 6,710, National Bank of Kenya 4,912, NIC 4,649, Diamond Trust 4,259

7 thoughts on “Kenya Bank Top 10s

  1. Maishinski

    More suggestions from your lazy audience:

    “Where to work” amount depends on number of employees and salary grading structure. Median salary might make more sense to a job seeker as top management could be earning millions – yet paying regular guys peanuts.

    Comparing the total wage bill to size of bank or top line (gross revenue) can give an indication of cost effectiveness of a bank (rough indicator if bloated workforce or not).

    I think a Loans to Assets ratio can give rough indication of risk exposure…

  2. bankelele

    UrXlnc: thank you

    Mark Grimes: no bank as far as I know, just a few funds and partners that may try ICT

    Maishinski: thanks, i must keep up with my industry and this ‘diary’ helps me keep track of who’s who
    – branch and staff info, is a bit harder to come by, except for the listed institutions

  3. just what?

    Thanks once again for the great info!

    On a side note, todays business daily (friday 5/9) reports that the number of bank accounts has increased three-fold, from 3 million to 10 million. Does this correlate with your info?

    if so, what will the mid-term effects of this revolution be?

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