Hedge Funds to Africa

Excerpts from a China news report: Some hedge funds are turning to resource-rich sub-Saharan Africa for investment, a fact reflecting an upward trend in some of the region’s economies and the growth of hedge funds and their search for new frontiers, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

Citigroup is now trading securities from countries such as Kenya, Botswana, Tanzania, Uganda and Ghana for its clients. Within a few years, it has gone from trading in only two countries in sub-Saharan Africa to 12.

Banks wanted

Standard Bank (aka Stanbic) is seeking mid-size retail banks in Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana and Angola, in addition to investing heavily in its own operations in Kenya to grow them at 25 percent a year,

Stanbic is Kenya’s 12th largest bank and its assets grew by 36% in the half-year.

Great image from airliners.net

10 thoughts on “Hedge Funds to Africa

  1. Abby

    Not really a comment on this post, but was just curious to find out your opinion, as a financier and business advisor, on multi-level marketing/pyramid schemes, which are currently all the rage in the city.

  2. bankelele

    coldtusker: None that |I know, a few brag about some overseas investmesn in their porfolio, but no specifics. None that even target certain sectors e.g. communciations, real estate

    Abby: good point, I’ve been working on a post about that – am not in any (too risky), but I have friends who have made mad (good) money on them. (also read today and last sunday’s antion)

  3. toiyoi

    On the so called Sh1 billion youth enterprise fund:
    (i) How does it work out?
    (ii) How would any group get to benefit from the funds?

  4. sa majeste

    dear friend,
    i read that article on WSJ and i am working on something like that. i am looking information concerning data of hedge funds or private equity investment in africa. and does someone heard aubout african securities exchanges commission? i don’t find any information about it?

  5. Anonymous

    I was wondering if you had a list of hedge funds and institutions that invested in Nigerian and by extension African government securities.

    Grateful if you could send response to le_draguer@hotmail.com

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