E-Government Moment

E-demand Kenya High school exams results were announced this week, and the top keyword searches at the site for one day were as follows showing the demand for information online

1. 12.79% www.examscouncil.or.ke
2 6.73% bankelele
3 4.38% kcse results 2008
4 2.69% related:www.examscouncil.or.ke/searchkcseresults2007.php
5 2.36% Kenya examination council
6 1.68% examscouncil.or.ke
1.68% 2008 kcse results
1.68% http://www.examscouncil.or.ke
1.01% Kenya examinations council
1.01% examscouncil Kenya
1.01% www.examscouncil
1.01% www.examcouncil.or.ke
1.01% kcse examination results 2008
1.01% related:www.examscouncil.or.ke/
1.01% Kenya national examination council kcse results

E-possibilities: Also at the Kenya revenue authority site is this land rent checker which should enable potential buyers to investigate land claims before they buy

E-legislation the media kenya communications 2008 bill which contained several laws regulating and facilitating e-commerce is back in the news with media owners asking for certain sections to be amended. Read How was the bill passed over their protest

E-infrastructure The first of three undersea fibre cables has reached Kenya’s shores. Much is expected with promises that communications costs could be lowered by up to 90%. And other transformations through new possibilities for e-government, bandwidth, service providers, broadvand, film & video, content etc. We will see how this plays out, as all these plans and talks will now be put up to the harsh light of reality.

Also – Found at @dkobia – an E-government website I hope will come to Africa one day.

7 thoughts on “E-Government Moment

  1. coldtusker

    ODM has been pushing e-government in the ministries it runs. I like e-govt coz it removes the element of ‘human’ involvement in routine issues thus lowering corruption.

    I remember it was a royal pain to pay electricity & water bills but now I use PostaPay. No more long lines!

  2. tumwijuke

    Congratulations popular so and so!

    On e-government blah, I attended the ‘launch’ of a Uganda government teleconferencing thingy that is being touted as part of its national ICT plan. It was hilarious.

    The knowledgable former ICT minister called an unknowledgable colleague:

    ICT guy: Hello!
    Ignoramous: Eh, I can hear a voice, but I can’t see.
    ICT guy: Mr. Minister, it’s okay; we can see you.
    Ignoramous: Agnes! Agnes!
    ICT guy: Hello Mr. Minister. We can see you. Look up to the screen you will se us.
    Ignoramous: Agnes… (she comes rushing in)
    Agnes: Yes sir?
    Ignoramous: This equipment doesn’t work. I told you not to bring it here. They should have taken it to Ministry of Gender instead.
    Agnes: Sir …
    Ignoramous: Me, I’m going. I have a cabinet meeting in an hour.
    Agnes: Sir, look at the screen.
    Ignoramous: I am looking at the screen.
    Agnes: Not the computer screen. The TV screen
    (Ignoramous looks up)
    Ignoramous: Oh, hahaha. Okay …
    ICT guy: Hello Mr. Minister.
    Ignoramous: Hello! Agnes, first wait. Don’t go. How do I switch this thing off …


    Sorry for the mini-post.

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