Call centers come to Kenya

I’d like to salute KenCall – a new call center company that has been set up in Kenya. With our large educated English-speaking population, and our time zone, Kenya can be quite a good location to offer this kind of service to multi-national corporations.

However, two barriers I see (1) our difficult, expensive communication networks which will not improve under the current Minister (2) insecurity – call centers run 24 hours and staff may have to drive home later at night or early in the morning – when they are most vulnerable to criminals.

8 thoughts on “Call centers come to Kenya

  1. Conner

    I love your information on call centers! I bookmarked your blog and will be back soon. If you want, check out my blog on call centers secrets that shows unveils all the secrets there are to know about call centers. May I put a link to this blog of yours on mine?

  2. abigail

    I love your information on call centers! I bookmarked your blog and will be back soon. If you want, check out my blog on call centers secrets that shows unveils all the secrets there are to know about call centers. May I put a link to this blog of yours on mine?

  3. Anonymous

    there are some call centers just there to exploit agents, as in you work but you don’t get pay, or the pay is so fishy you wonder how they taxed it. Kinetic and Lynxbits have been a key in this sector, but I bet they are not the only ones. why are call centers so depressing.If you are not ready to pay then why do they recruit agents.

  4. Anonymous

    Call centers coming to Kenya was a very good thing, but it would be even better if this sector was unionized. As a post commented anonymously above, call centers has taken to a sad trend of frastrating their agents by not paying them and over working them. If only the Government could come in, in this.

  5. Anonymous

    Kencall was my first Job out of University Thats when I learned that I loved sales. What I wanted to say is Thank God for Kencall for providing Jobs for thousands of Kenyans and May God continue to expand this company for the sake of the youth. May God bring to pass Eric’s visions of expansion to Mombasa.

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