Business Rumours from South Africa

Barclays Kenya to become Bank Absa?
Barclays and Absa are planning to create the biggest bank in the African market. In a second phase to the transaction, Barclays plans to sell its African businesses outside of SA to Absa which is expected to happen within the next two years.

MTN coming to Kenya?
MTN is committed to following its growth roadmap in Africa, despite hurdles associated with investing in the cellular telecommunications sector on the continent. Behind the scenes, MTN is finalising a deal in East Africa.

2 thoughts on “Business Rumours from South Africa

  1. Anonymous

    hey nice blog, i think if u started a fully fledged website on financial/business news in kenya you would get subscribers – its so hard to get any meaningful business nfo on kenya when you are in the state – nationand standard’s business reprting standards are so abysmall – its ridiculous, actually sad

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