Adopt a hero

The Adopt-a-light company has hit on a shrewd marketing tactic of honouring departed “heroes” by putting billboards with their images on street signs around the city.

The practice started with the late Vice President, Kijana Wamalwa, followed by Minister Karisa Maitha. More recently, the embattled company has honoured Starehe Director, Dr Geoffrey Griffin, and last weekend, it was the first Vice President of Sudan – the late Dr. John Garang.

The boards are temporary posters that cover the logos of corporations that pay for the actual street signs program through advertising.

6 thoughts on “Adopt a hero

  1. Ms K

    True it might be a marketing gimmick but I like the idea of honouring fallen greats. I’m not sure that all that have been honoured were worthy but some are.

    And don’t forget they also did it when Maathai won the Nobel prize.

  2. Afromusing

    sounds like a great idea! What are the museums doing regarding preservation of kenya’s history?(Especially regarding kenya’s heroes?) I am just throwing an open ended question here…

  3. maitha

    shrewd methods – very much so but i must say they did a good job with the lights honoring Griffin that road had become very dangerous and now the light has managed to keep the bad guys

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