February 17


The Kenya Power & Lighting Company will launch a pre-paid payment system on a pilot basis before rolling it out to their 750,000 customers. The public opening of tenders for the project will be held on February 23. KPLC’s 6 month after-tax profits increased to 761 million at December 31 from 504m the previous year.

Even with over 90% of shareholder notices returned, the hotel chain has extended the deadline for its share swap to April 14. The new stock should be listed on the NSE on March 15 and an extraordinary general meeting will be held on March 24 to approve de-listing of the old shares.


Aga Khan Foundation
– Regional financial analyst. Apply at akf.east-africa@akdn.org by February 24.

East African Standard
– Senior business writers
– Photographers
Apply at hrd@eastandard.net

All applicants must have clear & neutral accents and check for more details and apply at their site
– Telesales executives
– Transcribers
– Marketing/PR/Business Development Manager
– Database Analyst SQL2000/2005 or mySQL
– Systems Administrator Helpdesk and Service Desk

Planning Systems Services
– Architects
– Architectural assistants
Apply to the administration director at info@planning-kenya.com