not much change from last year (PDF)
New stockbroker is Chartered Capital joining African alliance, Crossfield, Discount, Ngenye kariuki, Solid being taken over by NIC, Reliable, and Bob Matthews – missing is Nyaga stockbrokers
Investment banks : African alliance, Apex Africa, Barclays Financial (dormant?) , CBA Capital, CFC financial, Dyer & Blair, Kestrel capital, Standard investment, Suntra, Drummond, NIC, Renaissance, Equatorial capital services (Sameer dormant) , Sterling Afrika Investment (formerly Ashbhu), Faida, and Juanco (who?)
Unit trust 10 providers offering a variety of funds: African alliance (3) , old mutual (3) , British American (5) stanbic(3), CBA (2), Zimele (2) Suntra(3), ICEA (3), Standard investment bank (3) and Dyer & Blair (4) and CFC (6).
ESOP’s EABL, Kenol, Athi River, Access Kenya, Scangroup, and Safaricom – but where KCB, Equity and Housing Finance – banks who have sounded out ESOP’s to shareholders?
big changes is 20 investment advisers, up from 13.
Did you know that those who applied for Safcom shares through the “official” website and wento to National bank naku to pay, were still being forced to make a new application?
Were they aware of this site or there was no communication to them? Or do they get a % for taking in an application?
Who owns Chartered Capital?
Toiyoi: more strange tales around the IPO
Coldtusker: no idea, maybe some new politico heavy. There was no public arrival/announce like with Renaissance cap last year