Category Archives: vodafone

Safaricom’s future?

There’s no slowing down the Nation’s Jaindi Kisero, even after he moved on to the East African. He reveals that Vodaphone has offered to buy 11% in Safaricom for $100 million to give them a majority 51%.

His commentary is naturally back in the Nation today where he points out that the offer is unlikely to receive a positive response from the Government amid complaints of how a “Kenyanisation” programme for key positions in Safaricom, which had been spelt out in an agreement at the company’s inception, has been ignored and how the company has a high expatriate dose. (is this (i) another Broken MOU, this time by Vodaphone or (ii) a move to force out top expatriates at Safaricom or (iii) a final FU to Sir Edward Clay?)