Thank you for the very informative links, responses, comments, and tips from yesterday’s post on ethanol for Kenya
Some highlights
– Kenyan Pundit on ethanol production efforts in Southern Sudan and our archaic sugar sector (linked by AfroM)
– Mashatall for mentioning in Sasol in South Africa is minting crazy chums selling ethanol
– Anonymous for the link to dogwood energy which included a do-it-yourself (DIY) guide to make ethanol at home
– Persona for noting that Muhoroni’s Agrochemical & Food Co. and other local companies have been producing Ethanol in Kenya for years – and for noting that all the cheap ‘whiskies’ and ‘vodkas’ that we have contain it
– ChumviKiasi for mentioning that switchgrass is the most efficient bio fuel crop
Great Resource
This post from Timbuktu Chronicles contains references to a DIY ethanol kit, how to use solar power to make ethanol, and how to run a petrol engine on ethanol, among others.
More applied brewing
– Sierra Brassiere is a Nairobi restaurant / micro brewery located next to the Panari Hotel (on Mombasa Rd.) that brews and sells two in-house beers (sierra blonde and sierra amber) @ 120 shillings per glass – and if you are there on the right day, you can even get a factory tour of the micro brew process.
– From geishablog a simple guide to how Sake is made in Japan.