all banks share capital raised from 250 million to 1 billion. At the beginning of the year, 25 of 43 banks were below this mark (with 7 banks below 500 million). This is an update/reversal of an older proposal to lower the share capital when some banks were struggling a few years ago. Not many mergers expected though it may prompt some mid size banks to go for a public listing to raise cash (only 3 banks lost money last year)
Central bank has advertised for some currency destruction contracts as the east African reports on talks for the government to invest in the current currency supplier DE La Rue
Diamond Trust to venture into Islamic Banking
East African Development Bank profit went up by 229% to $4.6 million – up from $1.4 million the year before. Assets increased to $262m dollars and their non-performing portfolio reduced by 11%
Equity bank won an international award – the 2007 global vision in microfinance award. Also KTN reported that the that the bank will open three women only branches in Nairobi
Two month old Family Bank is seeking a new managing director
KCB to expand into Uganda as it also wins an international award – the Africa investor for best performing stock in Africa award (shares price up 97% ) > but the company also held one of the longest dreariest AGM’s in history on Friday
National bank finally got recapitalized. NBK could receive 346 million in 2007 and 2008, a bullet payment in 2009 of 4.3 billion, 220m in 2010 and 2011 and another bullet payment of 5.2 billion in 2012. For 2013 – 2015 123m each and in 2016 a lump sum of 5.2b. 2017 to 2020 58m each and a final payment of 6 billion – for a total of Kshs. 22.48 billion ($340 million)
NIC to increase authorized share capital via a rights issue. The board approved it on June 14, but there was no mention at the AGM on May 16. This follows a Fitch Report indicating that mid-size Kenyan banks need to increase their capital
East African breweries is accepting applications for a graduate management program. Details online and D/L is 22/6
Family bank: chief executive officer, credit manager. Apply through deloitte – by 29/6
Kenital solar : sales & marketing manager, technical manager, engineer sales executives (5) regional managers (4). Apply to by 22/6
Country manager at Steadman Tanzania . Apply to by 22/6
A dozen IT, research and engineering jobs at Safaricom
Writers at a new Swahili newspaper. Apply to
Project management specialist at USAID.apply to
Rhodes scholarships: 2 for Kenyans to pursue full time post graduate study at the University of Oxford. Apply to by 15/9
Real estate: for the monied in the Diaspora, those who have worked hard and are looking to return in style, consider investing in Kihingo village a gated community development in Kitusuru where prices start at $500,000.