Job Watch

All jobs appear in the Nation of Friday February 4, 2004 – please see it for comprehensive requirements, details and contacts for these jobs.

ICDC Investments

(1) Finance Manager/Company Secretary (REF FM/CS-001)

Requirements are business degree and 3 years experience in financial management/audit/accounting and 2 years exp in company secretary work, also CPA (K) and CPS (K)

(2) Investment Manager (REF: IM-001)

Business university degree, 2 years financial analysis experience, investment banking, corporate finance, consulting, MOA would be an advantage. Also qualification like CFA, CPA, ACCA or CIMA

Apply by Feb 25 to Managing Director, ICDC Investments Co. Ltd., P. O. Box 10518-00100 Nairobi or

Internal Auditor: Jubille Insurance Company

Bachelors degree, CPA/ACCA or equivalent and five years audit management experience

Apply by Feb. 22 to The Group Human Resource Manager, The Jubille Insurance Co. Ltd, P. O. Box 30376-00100 Nairobi or

Finance and IT Director: Cadbury Kenya (REF: F/ID/05)

Must have degree with ACCA or CPA – an MBA would be an advantage. Also must have six years experience in strategy/analysis

Apply by 18 Feb. 2005 to Executive Selection Division, KPMG Kenya, P. O. Box 40612-00100 Nairobi or

Propert Manager: For a leading agriculture based corporation in Nairobi

Must have land economics degree, and a clear understanding of property management, and be a Kenyan aged 30-45

Apply by Feb. 18 to DNA 77. P. O. Box 49010-00100 Nairobi

Power Engineer/Operations Officer: The World Bank Africa Energy Unit, based in Nairobi Kenya (one year consultant contract)

Must haves 5 years experience and MSc in electrical engineering (or equivalent) or BSc in electrical and postgraduate degree in business or economics. Also knowledge of power sector and ability to collaborate with government and NGOs.

Quoting “Application for Power Engineer/Operations Officer,” apply by Feb. 25 to Country Director, World Bank – Kenya, P. O. Box 30577-00100 Nairobi or

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