The World Bank invites you to participate in an International Essay Competition by responding to the two following questions:
1) What are the biggest obstacles you face in your daily life?
2) What practical solutions would you propose to build a secure future for yourself and others?
April 15, 2005 Deadline for submissions
May 1, 2005 Announcement of finalists
May 2005 Jury selects winners
May 23-24, 2005 Finalists invited to present their essay to the Jury during the ABCDE conference
[TOPIC] Entrants are specifically requested to avoid general statements, and are asked to discuss specific experiences and develop concrete solutions that could be implemented, using one of three following approaches: a)Personal Reflection, b) Policy Analysis or c) Academic Inquiry
[AWARDS] $5,000 prize for the winner!!!
Prizes of s $1,000 euros
Thanks for the info. Where do we email/mail the essays to???
From the link:
Submissions, eligibility, formal requirements
1. What is the deadline for submissions?
The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2005, midnight (CET).
2. How do I submit my essay?
The submission process is very simple and entirely online-based. First you need to create your PROFILE and we will send you an email to confirm. After that, you have 48 hours for uploading your essay, following the link that we send to you per email. To create your profile, click here
3. Who is eligible for the essay competition?
The essay competition is open for nationals of ALL countries of the world, students and non-students alike, aged 18-25. Students enrolled in Ph.D. courses are, however, not eligible to participate.
4. I am just under 18 or just over 25 – can I still participate?
The competition is intended for youth aged 18-25. The rule is: if you are within these limits at ANY time in the year 2005, you are eligible to participate. This means that anyone born between the year 1980 and 1987 is invited to take part in the competition.
5. In which language shall I submit the essay?
The essay can be written in either of the 3 languages: English, French and Spanish. If you are selected as a finalist, you will be asked to make a presentation of your paper – in the same language that the essay was written in.
6. What is the length and format of the essay?
The essay should not exceed 10 pages (4000 words), 1.5 spaced. The following elements do NOT count into the number of pages or words: abstract, content page, title page (if you provide one). Moreover, graphs and tables do NOT count into the number of words.
7. Am I allowed to include graphs and tables?
Yes, you are welcome (but not obliged to) to include relevant graphs and tables. Their content will not count into the number of words in your essay.
8. What is an abstract?
You will be asked to write an abstract to go with your essay, which cannot exceed 1 page (400 words). An abstract is a summary in which you explain the aim, the methodology, the reasoning and the main conclusions of your paper. The abstract is important, as pre-selection of the essays will be based on the assessment of these only. That means that a good essay without an abstract or with a poorly written abstract will not be graded highly.
9. What are the grading criteria for the essays?
The essays will be graded for their originality, clarity and the use of thoughtful and concrete proposals for building a more secure future.
10. Is it allowed to mention my name in the paper?
It is discouraged to mention the name of the author in the essay or to include the name on the title page or in the footer. Your essay will be linked to your email address and therefore there is no need to sign it with your name.
11. Is it allowed for two or more people to work on the same essay?
Unfortunately not. We would like the paper to be individual work.