While the debate in Kenya is on whether to legalize traditional alcohol, one in Iran is much more potent
Split strategy
Standard Bank of South Africa (Stanbic) which has expressed interest in acquiring a significant stake in the National Bank of Kenya has at the same time entered a partnership with Postbank another giant stumbling bank. It is difficult to picture a Stanbic corporate customer visiting a Postbank lobby.
As the New York Times has gone ahead and made the op-ed columns and some daily articles subscriber only, the East African Standard has done the same, making Pulse, the Financial Standard, and other daily magazines as digital editions available to subscribers only. Content is displayed in the exact format as the print version, with searchable text, at a cost of $216 for year – much more than the equivalent of buying the Standard every day for a year ($173)
The Daily Nation also offers digital versions of their paper via NewsStand featuring the exact soft copy and advertisements at about $234 a year. Both the Standard and Nation are offered through NewsStand alongside other papers like the New York Times (8 weeks for $20), USA Today (13 weeks for $32) and the Harvard Business Review ($118).
Uchumi Countdown
Friday is the last day to participate in the Uchumi right issue, which is expected to be quite successful after a slow start.
Patriotic Moment
The Government intends to come up with a 2 – 4 word catchphrase to be featured in an about to be launched international television campaign to market Kenya. It can be in English or Kiswahili, and should sum up what it is that makes it great to be Kenyan. You can e-mail suggested phrases here.
WB Quiz
Here’s another project information document from the World Bank, this time on the education sector. The quiz is to decipher the following acronyms: ABE ACU ASAL CIDA DEB DFID EMIS ERS ERSSC FPE FPESP IDA INSET JFA JRM KESI KESSP LRC LSPMDG M&E MOEST MOF MPER MTEF NER NFE NFEC NFS NSIMP ODL PCR PID PRGF PTTC SACMEQ SAGA SbTD SIDA SIG SPRED SWAP TIVET TLWHA TMU TTC and UPE.
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hehehe on the acronymns…enough to make you head spin.